OpTic Texas win their first map of the major 2 qualifiers ( now 1-18 map count )
Is hecz buying anything the team is telling him ?
HecZ for sure texted Huke to pack them bags and hop on the first flight
Hecz is COMEDY
Post Match Thread: Los Angeles Thieves vs. Optic Texas | Major II Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Hecz confirmed the problem with the team
Is it that crazy to follow players rather than follow teams?
Shotzzy gets called out for OpTic's bad play by a fan in Ranked Play
Scump respond to the hate for reading donations during watch party
Enable talks about the OpTic Pred situation…”I’ve heard some insane sh*t”
Huke 2025 season
Zoomaa on Optic: "This team done"
It's insane to think that this was a real scoreboard at one point in this season ... Now this seems impossible
Post Match Thread: Toronto Ultra vs. Optic Texas | Major II Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Dashy gets a sick 3 piece & then OpTic forgets what mode they are playing
Team change has to be done.
Post Match Thread: Miami Heretics vs. Optic Texas | Major II Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Kenny putting on an absolute show today dropping a season high .81kd . He was even positive at one point during a map 🔥🔥🔥
Post Match Thread: LA Guerrillas M8 vs. C9 New York | Major II Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Maniac on the scump watch party
Neptune face cam on . He looks older than he did in Cold War
Can't wait for Major 2 "The Process".
OpTic announce that the ring ceremony for their major will take place on thursday
Dashy apologizes for OpTic’s recent performance via @loydmas on X
Ben's already said multiple times that he expects OpTic to make a roster change announcement by the end of this week