Sure man whatever you say
Feeling confused about ending of Harukaze no Étranger
What band is this?
Do you think serialist music would have been more accepted if serialist composers had shut up about the technical aspects of the music’s composition?
If you could have one composer score your life, who would you pick?
Anal rubbing without condom
Are they gonna go after 12-tone music, because "every note is equal" is basically DEI ?
I'm getting tired of this world.
Are there any prog bands or artists with left-wing inclinations?
Zeuhl band CORIMA is having a reunion show in LA!!
What do you guys think about the classical nerd?
my goofy ahh tierlist, give me recommendations that might change my mind
Outjerked by the main sub
Funniest fandom
Which Prog Artist(s) have the best sense of humor?
Virgin proposition-maker vs. Chad qualia-experiencer
What's the earliest music you enjoy?
Opinion about the spin of "the disappearance of nagato yuki"
What do people think of Frank Zappa as a classical composer?
Looking for Organ works by Charles Ives
Favorite “run” of transitioning live songs?
I think I don't like the classical period (and I want recommendations)
Why aren't more Women into Prog?
El porno me volvio bisexual de un dia para otro
Every cloud has a silver lining