Where to store smaller amount till I purchase cold storage wallet
Life is good
History does not repeat itself
With all the constant positive news in the crypto world, what the hells happend this last 20 hours..??
Why is the transfer value so low?
anyone actually using solana for real-world purchases?
The Billionaires are meddling in crypto and reaping retail investors quickly and slowly
This Crypto Trader Bagged $840K by Creating 17,000 Meme Coins in 3 Months
Phantom Wallet drained
Perth or Melbourne?, trying to decide
Concurrent dumps on Sol, XRP and Bitcoin
Do you see Sol increasing the APY to 7.30% as a positive sign?
how can I buy a car with 400 SOL?
Do I stake my SOL on Coinbase
How to trade memecoins
PSA: If you are using coinbase to buy Solana, swap to USDC instead
I’m going to be sick, I thought it was a rug.
Only on Solana can you hit 1 billion market cap in 22 minutes
If you're alone, do you get in the front or back seat of a taxi/Uber?
Yanchep line wins comp for most violence and agro, narrowly beating Mandurah
Fun times at the servo. Is this normal now?
Why are the cops here useless?
The Bubble Has Burst
Why’s it so Difficult to get a Job here?
What can you do about receiving junk mail when you have a "no junk mail" sign on your letterbox?