Kids breakfast?
Newborn Essentials Video
H reflux
Meh Life!
Does Anyone Else Feel Like Sarah is Trying to Attract a New Audience?
Ofc she’s looking at a Lexus that’s starting at 150k, to add to your earlier stories sis, this IS the definition of out of touch! 🥴
Since when does she have a Bachelor in Marketing?!
She obviously won’t reveal the hair, we’ll need to watch that reel, but is this the first time she’s shown love to H.
day 21304913 of me begging you not to follow the most inane, ineffective "workouts" I've ever seen
Imagine being on this "work party" boat ride. The while time she would be complaining about her leaky nipples and just moaning in general
Not letting Kurt go back to work? It makes it sound like she’s controlling him 🤔 don’t get me wrong, can’t imagine going from 2-3 babies but maybe could’ve worded it better?
“Humble” brag
That’s…concerning 🥴
No wonder you had a bloody fever 🙄
Just leaving this here since she already deleted…
“i’M sKiNnY aNd yOuR nOt”
In labour?
“I always go over my due date”
Pretty sure we all know how to make this
Exploded battery?
She’s posted more hints. Any guesses?
What does this clue even mean?