Downtown Minneapolis taxi cult
Yo Romeo... Get your a** back in here... uuuumm hummmm
‘A fundamental right’: UK high street chains and restaurants challenged over refusal to accept cash
Islamic cleric says it is permissible for a 56 year old to have sex with a nine year old
USA : Election Truth Alliance has the Receipts on Their Substack - PA was severely compromised. Results Released Last Week
Beware, gang
[BAD VIBES] Subsonic Weapon used on the crowd in Belgrade today, making them react like some kind of magic attacked them
“47th President of the US” Chocolate bars
Are We Done Saying Liberals Don't Enable Fascism Now?
Trump: Annexation of Greenland “will happen”
Cockpit voice recorder survived fiery Philly crash—but stopped taping years ago | Heroic work to recover and repair a CVR.
Voter Fraud in Lewis County WA Receives Slap on Wrist
what books radicalized you?
EPA administrator announces huge rollback of environmental regulations
Not surprised.
Wibta. Uncle Is A Bigot to Gay nephew
Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz, wants Texas to require school lessons about “evil” of communism
Found this growing at the top edge of my mom's toilet, under the toilet seat.
NYPD and ICE joint ops, detaining protesters.
Fake video shows Trump singing about Jesus while playing piano at White House. YouTube comments indicate many users believe the clip is genuine.
Elon Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
Police K9 diagnosed with cancer gets saluted by her entire team in her final walkout... the police kill 10,000 pets per year.
Police K9 diagnosed with cancer gets saluted by her entire team in her final walkout.
Missouri wins $24B judgment against China in COVID lawsuit. The ruling comes five years after former Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed the original lawsuit in 2020
Trans women transferred to men’s prisons despite rulings against Trump’s order
What was your dream job that wound up being a nightmare?
Have you been caught masterbating?