"To Promote Healing..."
Should I be concerned?
Keep throwing out my back due to my weak core. Should I focus on yoga or hire a personal trainer?
Mending grove should be channeling and standing still
Please tell me I’m not the only one who caught this lyric
Cheesing high roller rewards
Nature orb might be the single worst spell ever conceived
Am I the only one happy to see the circle return?
why is the class which is spezialized in long range fights the strongest in close range?
Who should I see and what should I say for a knee tear?
As a player with around ~100 hours in...shouldn't HR and normal sub-24 be swapped?
TTK on rogues (the solos problem)
Cut throat should prevent dreamwalk
Any pointers for my pesti kit?
Religion system gold sink
I Miss Being Thrilled To Ecape
Can we nerf druid again?
So what OP thing did they do to Rogues?
At gunpoint
Joining late games suck change my mind
playing healer has never felt so good and balanced
Blocking is working as intended
Motherfucker had TWO life after deaths, BOTH with good rolls and complete bis in every other slot. Can IM please maybe consider that some people want to pvp or do highroller without running into the most obvious RMTers ever seen? Thank you.
let me solo queue into hr trios pls
What would make a good Warlock build for a "beginner".