Remember when shorty zippies used to go like hot cakes?
Is LS stock getting better
Screen recording of todays stories
H failure to thrive, lots of appts coming up.
For anyone still taking advice- parenting or otherwise - from this woman - here is how she honors & protects her son :/
Cardiac Depression
Skipped Beats and Low LV EF
Birdie bean sizing question!
So this is normal?
Audrey lists their sources of income
Multiple attempts were made by multiple people to share this post in the group and it was declined every time.
How do you feel about caden lane?
Oddj's Inspo
Hole in the heart
Doctor prescribed one dose of flecainide for MRI tomorrow
Commonwealth Day: Kate's Scar, a photo retouch Conspiracy?
The difference is startling
Anyone else gets a physical anxiety response after an irregular episode?
What this B.S. is really about
Summer wear
$300 is LESS than you paid?
I am jealous of Meghan…
Got my holter results.