How much do yall pay for weed?
A 10mg THC edible is the equivalent of smoking about how much?
I know get a why Alcohol and Xanax is a dangerous combo
What’s your opinion on spliffs (joints with tobacco)
What's it like drinking getting drunk and doing cocaine?
Best strain for psychedelic effect?
How do you roll a joint?
Why do drug dealers add deadly opioids to their drugs?
Am i a failure? please hear me out.
Trio of kids tried to mug me...
Is THCP Synthetic?
Which of these countries would you rather live in?
Bromazepam barely doing anything
Have you ever smoked weed?
Do you find weed addictive?
first time trying edibles, advice?
should i buy this weed
Is Quitting Drugs Really the Answer?
People who tried salvia, was it actually that insane as they say in the trip reports? what was your craziest experience?
ego death on weed/thc?
What's your favorite drink to sip while high?
Why this cart mess me up
Whats the best drug to put on a cigarette and smoke?