Laying down- MUCH worse
Coronary Stent, now an Autoimmune condition?
LDL Still high- 65
Jaw Pain was Main Symptom
Stent placement with metal allergy - scared
Costo Only After Exercise?
Chest Tightness- One Year Post Stent
Crackling in Ribs
Crackling upper ribs
Breakfast Suggestions to Help Dad (50) Post - Heart Attack?
Every time I eat a bigger meal- shortness of breath after a meal
Going Off Antiplatelet at 1 Year Post Stent
Chest Wall Nerve Damage After Heart Stent Placement
Eating Large Meal/ Exercise/ Crackling
Pregnant with Pericarditis
Feels like a really tight muscle?
Pericarditis but only after exercise?
Workout out with Costo
Pain- during exercise?
Trying To Think Positive
Memory loss?
Tachycardia is healthy 30yo female. Signs of heart damage?
Cold Plunging- Yes or No?
Stent stretch pain 12 months?