The farthest of gotten without balling my eyes out
Spotlight - is there any (storage) light at the end of this tunnel?
[TP] Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game ever made
What happened to your childhood Pizza Hut?*
"I'm not cis, you are"
I have been recently stressed about my apple watched when I realised I was charging it for around 5 to 10 hours now am stressed about it 😅😅
Minor inconvenience - minimize a maximized window
What if the N64 Would Have gotten FF7 Over PS1?
Why does Windows punish me for shutting down my PC?
Is safe to charge my iPhone with this cable?
Walked out of a Walmart after paying for my items
Do you think the Mac Pro still has a place in the Mac lineup?
Do I Need AlDente Pro if I Only Charge My MacBook from 20% and Avoid Keeping It at 100%?
Just wondering if anyone with more than 5000 book files still uses the Books app in OSX.
Found my old iPod in a drawer. After a few minutes the apple logo pops up but then goes back to this. Is there any hope?
Does anyone here remember Winamp?
What's my next step?
Proud to present Glider for Apple II
I don't get it
What is your biggest problem with Metroid prime 2?
Super Nintendo consoles have been quietly overclocking themselves for 35 years, but it took until 2025 for the SNES fandom to notice
Is this worth anything? Still sealed
Can't use external SSD normally if I use it for time machine?
Do you agree with this “tweet”? I personally don’t.
Can someone please help me?