Can you wish me a happy birthday
How many pillows do you have on your bed?
Tonight a man I didn’t speak a word to told me he’d only sleep with me with the lights off
Trying to Find a Children's Fantasy Series
What’s a scent you’re desperately hoping BBW brings back?
Passed on my 2nd attempt!
AITAH for telling my MIL to cancel her flight to see our baby
Med Math
Just took the NCLEX, shut off at 85 Qs and I’m in disbelief
Were these discontinued?
Qbank Insight… Please HELP!
Passed on second attempt
Passed at 150..
Desperately in need of Advice!
I'm going D, 7, G. Which combo are you picking for the perfect 90's movie night?
You can only keep three of these Iconic kid shows. Which 3 are you keeping?
Going to get a second cat. It's a she and her brother is called Flipper, so I need a cool name.
You can only choose one. White edition 🤍
I need a strong name which fits this big handsome feller. He's a foster that we're hoping to adopt! I tend to love 1 syllable names, or human names. But whatever fits!
Help us name our little black kitten! Love witchy/magic names. We also have two orange boys named Randy and Rudy so an R name would be great!
1.5wks post breaking up with my ex-PA boyfriend
Flying solo at an outdoor wedding tomorrow, any combos jump out at you? Sorry for untidy hair.
In my head this outfit works, but it just doesn't and I can't put my finger on why it doesn't work. What is my obvious - or subtle - mistake?
This woman. Just wow.