Has anyone been wrongly kicked from the bug yet?
The governor thinks all we talk about in universities are political views.
If you could replace the halal shack with anything, what would it be?
Nabisco Friday?
Account Activity not adding up?
Does this count as a boat? If so, I just ordered my first boat.
My RFY page today…
Lester Tellez and Andrew Ter-Doest, UCF Student Government Candidates, Hanging Out with the Far-Right (Save & Share)
I did this to myself
The Vine gods have smiled upon the felines today
Hospital Like Locations On Campus?
This is the Penguin Therapist (John Grouse). AMA
Milkman photos from someone up close
I made a UCF Geoguessr daily game
Tea on Elections
Does UCF allow employees to have facial piercings?
Going through old Snap memories
Lunatics on campus put all of us at risk
Finally scored a $0 ETV item
Heads up by MSB
Ha! That'll hide in plain sight just perfectly... Dr. Pooper and "Canada HOT"...
Anyone else getting random overnight deliveries lately?
Free fabric cart