For SOAP applicants
Anyone received a call yet?!
Programs Giving False Hope
Good luck and a little soap advice from a PC
Should I Reapply
Number of IVs vs Popularity of program
How Many Applicants Do IM Residency Programs Normally Rank?
Family medicine Anki deck
What are the expectations of women from dating that you think are unreasonable, unrealistic or too much?
Why did you rank your #1 as #1?
245 on Step 3 with no practice exams
Did You End Up in the Specialty You Originally Wanted? How Did You Know It Was the Right One for You?
Your #1 Choice...
What is going on yikes
Ranked to Match x2
Low practice scores – Passed!!! FYI: Did not know this until afterwards but if you’re pregnant, please know you can get accommodations!
Emergency Departments Without Emergency Physicians
Family Med Shelf 1WK
Senior kicked me out of call room - feeling emotionally down
Finally chasing my dream and ADHD almost ruined it for me
CCS Writeup
Do not train at a hospital with PAs!
Anyone Willing to Share CCS cases