Welp it finally happened, I got RIF’d
Pcos girl. Got ten sessions of laser done on face but now looking at electrolysis. What should expect? Should I be worried and how to check if it’s done right or not ?
… im still not over this
Is now a bad time to move to NOVA?
DOD Dept. of Navy firings
Fed employees who is getting on meds for depression/anxiety
Welp it just happened
Defense Health Agency
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
I wasn't ready
How did that person in your high school die?
How are my Defense Health Agency people out there?
AITA for telling my girlfriend I shouldn’t have to prove that I love her? (27m, 23f)
So grateful I was finally chosen!!!!
How many people with your first name did you go to school with?
Any good spots to sit and be sad in my car.
Excepted vs Competitive
I was a scene girl and I'm not ashamed.
Take a shot every time someone says
Trey? Troy? Froy?
Want me to not take my ADHD meds? Ok!
AIO date canceled because I didn’t text in the morning?
Does it matter if you take sick or annual leave - for therapy?