Black Lotus is now over 300g
For those of you who play 15-18 hours a day, every day: how?
Flask/Black Lotus Market Insights -- PoV of an Alchemist
What do u guys like to wear for boots?
Better Solution?
What are YOUR gold-making strategies?
The state of classic servers in 2025 is pretty awful (and retail too, arguably, but another discussion entirely). What would need to happen for you to finally cancel your sub?
Moonkin may not be meta but it's been FUN -- A few clips showing you can still have fun without playing "the best class/spec"
How I made bank and then lost it all leveling enchanting at Level 26
I need to understand what I’m doing wrong (Tank)
Is Mage AoE grinding worth it if you're not ahead already?
Final Flex Slot
Paradox is the best designed hero.
Out of curiosity, what is your hourly rate?
How many heroes are you maining?
Siphon Bullets, which characters benefit the most from this item?
Restorative locket needs to be a 500 item
Predict your rank. NOW!
Paradox players: what do you actually do?
What do you think needs to change in Paradox's kit for her to be a better character?
I want to pay Paradox
How picky should I be doing my own deck repairs?
spamming heavy melee like a bot is so fun
Lane phase feels so irrelevant, I think it's a good thing
Where do you bind your parry/crouch keys?