The end of an era
4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
Former Edmonton police employee charged with child luring, making child pornography
Constantly being told I look like someone but no one can put a finger on it, can you?
Bahn mi charcuterie
I’m dying - what are some good anime that explore this?
Best Bars/Lounges in Victoria for a date?
Hi friends.
WIBTA if I refused visit my grandpa in the hospital?
What's your favorite part about living in Edmonton?
No We Do Not Fox News
It's getting to be that time...
Best ‘local’ coffee shop in Edmonton - share yours!
Mozart of racism
Panini's adds ghost kitchens to boost the bottom line
My bf of 5y (m28) is accusing me (f29) of giving him a STI?
AITA for not comforting my bf after he didn’t like my cooking?
Recommendations for in-home veterinary services for euthanasia
Chupacabra sighting?
Daith Piercing for Migraine
I’m afraid of sex now. 31M 29F
Would Anyone Be Able to Spare an Inhaler?
AITHA for making my sister pay back my daughter?
Best Pho Place
I (28F) caught my husband (32M) doing the most disturbing thing with a reborn doll. I feel sick. AITAH for wanting to divorce him?