I Made a map of Louisianas cryptids
Question: is anyone else experiencing huge delays with USPS?
👽🐻Looking for cryptid friends! 💌Digital or Pen Pals!!
I Made a map of Georgia and it's cryptids
Somebody made a map of Georgia with Cryptids.
I Made a map of Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana and their cryptids (Prints for sale)
Do you ACTUALLY believe in the core of your being that there are cryptids out there?
give a name to this guy
Is Jackson, Mississippi Scary?
I made a map of Georgia and it's cryptids (Prints for sale)
Some of my takes on classic cryptids. Feedback appreciated! Much more on my ig!
Festival of the Fae
I find it funny when people post and discuss them knowing they likely don't exist and you look in the comment section and theres people just shutting down any discussion regardless.
Question: Any obscure cryptids from your town/city/state?
If you guys like stuff about the rake, my friends and I have a youtube channel where we hunt the rake. Watch our newest video where we found an ancient weapon that can kill the rake.
Birmingham/Alabama Songs
We eatin good tonight fellas
Kudzu in the southern US is an invasive vine that spreads like wildfire and chokes the life out of trees. Here it is being removed. Eating the vine that ate the South.
A nearly completely urbanized island 🏝️, drawing done by me
Are there any known cryptids in this area around schriesheim Germany? (The mountains)
New Flairs for Posts and Users
Someone said this old photo of mine might be appreciated here
Thylacine vs Bigfoot
Any cryptids/creatures/monsters specifically in the Texas Panhandle?