[IMPORTANT!] Current Known Issues
Not being able to log in after recent update ? 2 months before the closure is this it ?
Umbral Reign Update
It’s finally over.
Chronovore Kept Cheating by resetting his health so I Cheesed him by jumping on his back [2x Speed]
BF Can't recover account
Studio Update
are the protector transmog rumors still aviable?
Bug Megathread Patch 2.1.1
Where’s the update?
Bug Megathread Patch 2.1.0
Dauntless: Awakening is live!
Did nobody else get the aetherite
The compensation mats ain't adding up
[Dev Blog] Reflections on the Launch and What Comes Next
My two cents as a totally new player
I found bugs
Store issues
Maintenance Dec 3-5
Losing Gauntlet Participation
Dauntless: Awakening Trailer & Date Reveal
Dauntless Awakening - Launch Trailer
The sworn axe
Slayer’s Club removal, what will happen to my remaining days?
I cant log in, please help!