Renaming webtoons: a saga
Rachel really out here trying to defend trauma dumping on children
Uuh...go off queen, i guess .
So… this was definitely on purpose, right?
Okay, can we discuss how nasty Persephone’s general attitude is?? Just mean and condescending for what 😭😭
Stories/Genres/historical people l would really like to see one day
Harry Potter in Romania (AI)
Someone help her she's shrinking
Which history is this loading screen from?
Wish all companions got their own date scene 🥲
Something I will never forgive Rachel for is trying to gaslight the audience into thinking Hades is attractive.
Sorry, hikes are for men only 😌
What physical traits you wanna see more in webtoon?
oh! okay.
My butter dry-aged
Is it just me or…
I don't know where Rachel gets her sources from
Aside from other posts here, this is what I gathered to support the claims of AI assistance.
What is a popular Webtoon that you don’t understand why people like it?
What do you think makes a top tier webtoon and what do you want to see from a webtoon?
webtoons where the art is so bad it's distracting?
Idk why but this recommended made me cackle
How do Hades or anyone else knows Zeus wasn't that damage during Kronos reign or the war.