What is your cat’s actual name vs what you call them?
Op at the end
Give this man a medal, NOW!
That'll age as well as a meme...
You know rockstar is awesome, when the numerical advantage makes a difference.
What did Heimdall mean when he says to Thor: "I thought I smelled something"?
People, Know Your Real Enemies.
When you thought you were doing well
Is there a classic series or episode you back to because it’s so good?
Stuck in the hospital for the night alone for my first time, anyone able to help pass the time with some jokes or movie recs?
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this
Just discovered this podcast, and am loving it. Please give me your best episodes to listen to!
Don't worry, I got permission.
Do necrophiliac tendency’s start with sexual maturity or dose it develop layter in life ?
Got launched
What Hat is This?
Naked man beaten with pole on skid row
Found this on the floor in Boston last night
Old man mad at concrete truck (credit tiktok @elermin_4)
POV: You’re watching your friends get vaporized in the Hiroshima bombing, 1945
Been on my brain lately. Had to get it out. “Made in a lab” WIP
I’m bamboozled, first compliment in years.
He's gonna need a medic
[OC] How I’m greeted by my turtle when I get home from work ♥️🐢