Planning a chase. Need ideas for Int, Wis, and Cha skill checks.
When I make a 2024 DnD char when I select equipment that isn’t “X standard pack” it errors/doesn’t register
Do you let monks use focus as a free action
Best oneshot authors?
Ideas For A Debt
How can I make my DM better?
Any help to find a short campaign
We started our careers on this subreddit. Now we’re on D&D Beyond. WTH. Our Biggest Giveaway Thank You! [OC]
Is CoS too much to handle for a new DM?
Putting an aboleth in Lake Zarovich?
What would you name this character? Part 2
Players and DMs, what would make your sessions easier?
What build would allow me to become spiderman
Do I tell my players they're in the Shadowfell?
Best Minimalist Art Games?
What are some alternatives to “you meet in a tavern”
What would be your optimal character build to fight the mother of all Krakens?
Small pre-written adventures?
Need ideas for some D&D “DLC”
Questions about porting over 2014 features into 2024 edition.
magical item/steel defender help
How would you roleplay a tribe character in a big city?
Calling all players! :D
How can I scale down Steel Wind Strike?
What do you think about mixing pixel art with an HD HUD? In this game, do you think it worked well?