Chevron bracelet lines too straight?
Who is your favorite character and why?
Are the knots supposed this far apart?
Character you didn’t like at all?
These weren't as good as they looked...
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Swifties input needed!
Writing sample
Good interview, no response to thank you email
Job interviews with the state
Made it to the second round, but the interview lasted only 11 minutes
What's that 5SOS song for you?
I feel like Peak drops my “luck” in the game whenever I’m 1st place in Champions League tourney
Jet Black Heart is always a bop I turn that shit up every time
Wanted to play until my unlimited lives were over..
New Team Recommendations??
“Super hard level special offer”
Card packs
#1 of probably about 15 for my daughter's entire soccer team
Can anyone give advice? [Question]
alpha bracelet backs