Vale a pena prestar alguma engenharia na UFSC com intuito de trabalhar no exterior?
Why did they sum 90° degrees to the given angle? I thought this only applied if you wanted to calculate the normal tension in y'?
[College Mechanics of Materials] Why did they sum 90 degrees to the given angle?
Darrow treads a very thin line in the first 3 books
Junseo and Sian being endgame - just speculation
Sou babaca por não querer q namorado saia com amiga q tem depressão?
it’s so nice to be w someone that cares abt my “dumb” video game problems
[College dynamics] I don't know how to determine the tangencial and normal forces here. I want to find the reactions in O
Instagram follower rankings
Sou babaca por usar tranças, tendo a pele branca?
Em minha defesa, eu não tinha ideia para o que serviria a "fruta favorita"
Tier list das coisas do QI
How did Lord Ruler...
Looking for a book where all magic comes with a price.
Is killugon that bad?
Thoughts on the Dutch-language cover?
Question: Mists
She owes me sex for whatever help I do for her
Finally my bf having his predictions wrong
I stumbled into the DLC late game, should I beat the base first?
Tem alguma forma de conectar esse monitor no meu ps4?
Thinking about ‘penis envy’
Can't reach the *** in time
I've been playing Outer Wilds for 3 days, these are my thoughts by now!! (Spoilers of course, but please don't spoil me anything)
My grandma is textbook narcissistic and have been creating absurd lies about my family.