How do you mute taunts in game for the ps5?
Vote kick for no reason
Vote kicked for no reason
Queue system will most likely never be removed but it surely needs to be.
Encampment complaints in Edmonton up nearly 60 per cent from last year
What to avoid and buy at Uniqlo?
Is it just me or is Uniqlo customer service bad?
Anyone else think AI damage needs reducing in DMZ?
Help for a new player
What the hell am I doing wrong?
Sabrina Maddeaux: The Liberals are denying citizens their charter right to re-enter Canada
Brand new to console gaming! Was able to grab this beauty! What are the 1st things that I need to be aware of!??
Tradespeople, and others who require steel toe boots, what's your go-to place?
Looking for help picking a build for my gf. She wants to be a Barb that duel wields maces.
I think I suck? Any tips/criticism appreciated
Post your diablo 2 rituals!!!
Duriel is still op as hell.
My barbarian is trash, and I’m getting destroyed on normal
Farming pits is the way to go!
What are you running for mf runs?
Summon Necro Question
Some changes needed for console
Question: why the hell is the Ps5 server so empty? Is it not crossed with consoleS? Not even p4 users?
need help (noob)
Reliable barb guard focused on getting past the mid nightmare difficulty bump for starting ladder