First Images from 'Mortal Kombat II'
[Mixed Trope] When the obviously evil character, who has been built up to be secretly good, turns out to actually just be fucking evil.
Who would you rather have lunch with (before it inevitably goes off the rails) Ghastly or Sanguine?
Who I would have sex with
Who does Ralph Bakshi's Legolas look like?
Anyone know who this is
Want to learn an European language? I'm learning Spanish where it counts.
Treebeard's passing comment on Gandalf
Finally found out why my friends don't want me going on my date tonight. Pretty annoyed.
Just finished Fellowship of the Ring for the First time. Some thoughts
What would your character's cut scene look like?
what if sonic drifted like this?
What actually happened?
Protagonists who don’t have a name, just a title
The 7 Heavenly Kings/ Art by Oh_sorry_02
UlforceVeedramon: Burst Mode (Reference Book Type Art)❗️
Psycho lad
Who is the least common character to see on the MVP screen?
Processing (Part 1) - Gator Days (OC)
Who in the cosmere has birthed the most children?
Who's your favourite character in the series so far? I picked up the first book at thirteen, saw Valkyrie and decided to make her my whole personality for a while 😂
She wild, but a good wild, nor did I think one dialogue option does this
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
Testimonial for u/BackFox