Halo elites as raiders, could someone simply make this mode don't replace raiders so it works for updated fallout ?
So the elder scrolls planet i starfield is really discontinued ?
Mod request: halo elites as spacesuit/race, maybe a base elite and modular armor
Mod request: halo elite race and/or armor but adapted to skyrim, this is a interesting one
Halo elite race/armor model for skyrim
Can someone port halo elites to fallout 4 but make standalone so it not replace raiders ?
Synth swap port, i don't know what happened to this mod, one ut simply gone
Halo elites armor but without replacing raiders so xbox don't kill my save plz
It's difucult to turn replacer mods in standalone ? Wanted a halo elites armor mod standalone, i play on xbox and replacer mods are having a problem with the update
General grievous player outfit
Are replacers okay to use
The Assassin
Can anyone make a mod for skyrim and fallout for me pls ?
Accepting Porting Requests
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