Is a 15% tip for takeout still considered fair?
Just tried Skyline Chili for the first time
I don't know how to drive, maybe if i switch car brands it will help?
AITAH for "overusing" quotation marks?
Take A Look Back At The Iconic Drive-In Theaters Of Columbus
54 panhead with an inline springer I’m currently building
Is this essential tremor ?
St patricks day parade
What happened at The Ruckmoor Lounge???
Man gets his ass kicked at a local dive bar.
Where to get window pane replaced?
Vultures are enjoying the weather
What Coffee Have You Been Enjoying Recently?
Why won't everyone in the city do what I want?
Sorry guys, it’s raining today and Mom is making chicken noodle soup. Gotta cancel the protest!
St Patrick’s Day
I went down today
I wish someone would post a pic of the lunar eclipse
How to get an appointment at Social Security?
Is there any good places to socialize with aggressive road rage drivers?
Transit app is terrible
40m Bi in Reynoldsburg area
ComFest Street Fair applications are open
Donald Trump Bought a $90,000 Tesla With 37 Recall Notices Against It
I took a shit at Fox in the snow Cafe and now I have a prolapsed rectum AMA