The Bishops name around Europe
Regarded institutions shouldn't bowing to him!
This is why I don’t take this seriously.
Weed story
It’s enough to make a grown man cry
No one seems to have an explanation.
Me, as a cyclists who love cars...
"Willingness of EU Countries to Defend Greece/Turkey If They Were Under Military Attack" poll from 5 yerars ago. Do you think the answers would be different today?
"Willingness of EU Countries to Defend Greece/Turkey If They Were Under Military Attack" poll from 5 yerars ago
What are you giving up for Lent?
56% of people haven't read a book these past 12 months
Studies found that a majority of iPhone users identify themselves with their iPhone
Probably only me -_-
who is behind the return of the dragons
Annual beef consumption in Europe per capita in kilograms, 2021
underage beauty contestants
Hello beautiful
Europe worship attendance
European Parties elected as of January 2025 in German Party format
Concentration camps in the Third Reich:
I Got 90 Pie Problems, But...
Genuine question why the right wing is on the rise everywhere
As of one week before German Elections, the trends in Eastern Germany indicate a growing shift toward fascism.
Calmest Chinese reactions to the new DLC
Why isn't this the French Channel? Let's make France great again!
Ai slop on facebook