First Chibi-less game in years.
is this a kidney stone??
Oben Text
[Entry Thread #102] Happy post-Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re also looking for a special someone, specifically a Redditor, to make into a millionaire. If you’re interested, comment to enter!
DROP your album and its rating - Feb 3, 2025
#100 Albums down. Can you guess my year of Birth?
"pro" players rants on tft competitive scene and portals
Daily Game Recommendations Thread (January 14, 2025)
What the h...?!?!?! Well, let's find out what is this :-/
Looking for Suggestion: 5 Player Coop-Game
[TFT13.3] What's Working? What's Not?
What was your album today? Did you like it? What’s your rating?
[Entry Thread #100] WE’RE SO BACK! After ninety-nine millionaires and one intermission later, we are now back to making millionaires! Comment to enter, and Happy Holidays!
I know John Doe for sure
Does the Album Generator App use an older version of the book?
Made it to 200 yesterday!
"I was sleepwalking"
Wie viel hat eure Hochzeit mit allem drum und dran gekostet, musstet ihr ein Kredit nehmen?
DROP your album and it’s rating - Nov 29,2024
Welche praktischen Gadgets für 10-30 Euro sind echte Geheimtipps, die nicht jeder kennt, aber jeder haben sollte?
Another classic ;-)
November 27, 2024 Daily Discussion Thread
Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (696/696): Grand Finale
Started my journey last week, found my first 5/5
[thread] drop your album and its rating - Nov 8 2024