Why is riot refusing to hit the items and instead nerfing the champions
The vision runes in the Domination tree were a failure
Fixing League of Legends
Remove team chat. It serves virtually zero use compared to the toxicity it creates.
why tanks are not getting nerfed
When is the Symbiotic Soles experiment going to be over?
new Hextech Chest always a skin shard (so far) - luck or feature?
Observations in the coaching difference between Tarzaned and Neace
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 11: champion, item, and Arena balance changes
I don't know how to improve
Riot officially prohibits 3rd party applications tracking Enemy Ultimate Timers now.
Terrible terrible ranked system.
Caedrel talking about the toxicity in the Los Ratones fan base
There are supposedly 2 abilities in the game that are mathematically impossible to dodge if aimed correctly. Can you guess which ones?
How to make players pick up the flowers
Does the Gangplank tech of storing sheen proc in a barrel still work with Lichbane and triforce? Does the sheen proc transfer to chained barrels?
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 7: changes to Naafiri, Gwen, and Singed
Why is it OK for Garen to build full damage, yet be tanky without W?
Mythic items have been gone for a while now, and I don't miss them at all.
RiotPhroxzon on Micropatching Lane Swap Mitigation
We Need To Remove Lane Swap
[PBE datamine] 2025 March 3: more Naafiri changes
Patch 25.05 Notes
Why are people complaining about the anti-lane swap changes?
Player base doesn't understand fundamentals