My randoms are a joke🤡
What characters do you think are perfectly balanced?
What is this piece called? (Correct answers only)
I win, I have the biggest number.
Who is this
Free gems link doesn't work guys what do I do
Based facts and logic
Choose a meal
Who are they
Gdzie jest biblioteka?
Is this a new feature??(Chrome)
I think the sequel of Poppy Franchise will took place in China.
Guys what character would you have as a body pillow? I'll go first:
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Let's see those suggestions
If you had to get rid of one of these which one would choose
So meme.. now Do what it says.
Karma is a bitch
Send me your last saved image
How f*ked are you?
Idk what to pick
o czym brat nawija
How to create an unknown substance? As far as I'm aware, the only way to create a potion is to warm it up over the bottle with an effect. All of those are "known effects", so how can I create something different?
Ktora korporacje bys wybral/la?