i had a dream i updated chess
Do you ever have imaginary arguments and win them while in the shower?
Danny looks like he's about to eat his mic in the first frame of this video
I want to try sushi
Will use this method in the future
I was in the airport and NOTHING happened to my shoes
It's ok
Why do my balls itch?
why not
No sure if this is the place to come but, what’s a good software to make a doom 64 style game?
Sub for this please.
When I was a schoolboy back in 1920s we used to dissect cats in biology class. Are kids are too soft these days?
will you pull the lever?
Is this really true? Can you enjoy yourself after enough time theoretically?
Friendful Swag
Does anyone else see it??
Post the best planned city in your country
Ŕemove minimum wages
There’s a man heading towards 5 trolleys, you can flip the switch, diverting it to only one trolley
Ask a question, then edit your comment after I answer to make me look like a horrible person
a bit sad & uncomfortable
What would Jorah's profession be in today's world?
Have we been too hard on D&D considering GRRM left them hanging?
Flag of the USA if there were only 17 states and they used squares instead of stars