i made my own version of this game. Day 01- who's the hot hero?
Is it just me who hates season 6 rose??
Can we PLEASE fix this????
What’s Lila?
HAIKYUU BRACKET! Iwaizumi vs Yamaguchi?
Judge me based off my favourite characters but it's the entire character list
My absolute favourite character. Really wish he got more screen time.
Anyone know the name of this anime? I recommend it. I also want to find it.
50 days 50 questions: day 1: Fav season?
I can’t unsee it 😭
Why didn't Mari leave her hair down when everyone else got a glow up and she's now dating Adrien?
Does anyone know a good murder/mystery anime?
Suggesting an anime after watching a very sad anime
I love this scene so much.
Sabrina cutting her hair.
Give me a random anime to watch. Go.
I'm just a girl
What would yalls answers be?
that’s what ADA stands for, of course!
[Acne] Three years of progress
What does my music taste say about me?
80,435 coin giveaway (please check desc)
O is for…?
if I disappear at the age of 23, where am I??