English or Japanese?
Use this thread as a dumping ground for the best memes you have on (that thing that happened at the end of Elimination Chamber)
Forbidden Door Theory : Gabe Kidd taking the Fighting Spirit Belt back from the “AEW guy” is SO FITTING… in his Home Country, no less
Tyson Fury retirement thread
Should he leave
So that’s where I saw 001 BEFORE…
Who’s the most interesting new character of Season 2? This is my pick.
I wanted them to pull the trigger and get it over with… I didn’t like that they kept them alive. Cause you KNOW it’s coming.
Is this mf just evil??
Added to the “They’re right and their counterparts should’ve died instead” and the “the protagonists just proved them right , eventually” Hall of Fame
The recruiter slaps so many people his hands have formed calluses
We already know both main characters are dumb as rocks. But peak stupidity was not figuring this one out.
Holy shit that was a handful … WOW
I actually thought he’d have an important role …
But does your favorite game use prejudice/racism as a “locked feature for now” reason?
I’ve been stuck on this screen for like an hour…
Little funny detail on the dialogue with (SPOILER)
I see what you all mean about God Gale now…
Not Larian calling people who drink out on their bs.
I fucking suck.
How is this guy natural ?
Hey guys, what's your opinion on Gale? Do you like him?
is there a persona you're seriously creeped out by?
Glossed over that Goro Akechi scene thinking it was a goofy mistake… and here we are…
I think Jon Snows character arc should have been him becoming absolutely ruthless after he was resurrected