What’s your favourite chocolate bar?
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
Looking for mind blowing movies
What was the point of laugh tracks in tv shows?
What’s something you wish people would stop acting like is normal?
For all my weed users, do you find it takes more for you to get high, and if so, do you think there is a correlation between that and autism?
Why is Heath Ledgers character in 10 things I hate about you not considered one of the bad guys?
Looking for suspenseful movies.
How old do you feel?
[REQUEST] Looking for shows like “Big Little Lies”
Looking for a good movie that features time travel in it
What is the best tv show you've seen?
What's that one food you can't live without? 😋
What are some movies with great trash talk?
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
Gun to your head, what is the best cult horror movie?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
A movie with stunning cinematography?
What's something "small* that makes you upset?
What's a movie you could only see one time
Looking for mockumentary style Tv shows
Movies you wanted to like but felt like an absolute chore to get through?
The worst movie you know
Why are so many cats named Milo?
Does anyone struggle with eating?