Is single player worth it?
Any suggested changes to my perk setup to maximize purging?
Block Weapons still suck…
We shouldn't report people for just having a bad game. Especially in QP
Warhammer books
For pointing out there are no such things as miracle babies, and society has no obligation to fund your children, or the consequences of your sexual misadventures?
Please stop playing on Absolute if you’re below lvl.25
Is there some reason people just quit when they die on Lethal/Absolute?
Found it odd in Brave New World, do you notice how no one actually addresses the fact that Red Hulk is a “Hulk”?
Why do players tell you to change characters but they don't change characters? Lol
AITA for Not Telling My Daughter That Her Dad Died?
By the emperor the operation matchmaking is so awful!
AITA for wanting to leave my wife after 18 years, even though she’s done nothing “wrong”?
Anybody else thought that this game was a fake mobile game?
WIBTA if I ghosted my friend for being inappropriate toward my boyfriend?
Why does everyone hate rocket?
As someone who doesn’t buy DLC, I wish there were more helmet options.
My buddy insists this is a reboot, not a continuation
Now, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is SMALLER THAN THE EARTH!
Is this good or at least normal? Its been slow to download games and pretty laggy recently
The change to kick has fixed nothing just remove the kick feature and force teleport
Neagley’s Milk
AITHA for secretly recording my professor making sexist remarks and getting him fired?
Aiming on controller