Do you guys think Konami should try to attract more female players? And if yes how do you guys think they should do it?
Raidraptor Pendulum Support.
I just played against a HERO Chimera Azamina fiendsmith and i don't know how to feel.
Some Fire King retrains. Thoughts?
Since it is the year of the serpent in japan, do you guys think Misty (Reptilianne) and Viper (Venom / Vennominaga) will gain new support this year?
Thoughts? (Reptilianne Support)
I wanted to give P.U.N.K.'s a fusion monster that wasn't an extender. Thoughts? Art by Slacker Magician (on deviantart)
I'm trying to come up with a Deck the Bridges Dark Magician and Illusion monsters. This is what i have so far. Thoughts?
It’s time for animations
Uncle Eldlich & Aunt Teardrop
Custom cards and Problem-Solving card text (PSCT)
Those who made custom cards for specific themes before actual support dropped for them, how close was the actual support compared to what you thought/wished for them?
I found a way to deal with Tenpai Dragon in MD with Gold Pride/P.U.N.K. and I would like some feedback.
É isso galera, cortei o cabelo depois de longos 4 anos, caguei tudo hahaha?
Would this be too broken? (Black Rose Dragon) Rose Support?
Cuecas de qualidade.
Hey Guys I’m trying to make this card have a unique effect but I can’t think of any. Can y’all help me with this
Me julguem o quanto quiser (antes que perguntem, eu já faço tratamento pra espinha)
Quantos anos aparento ter? Meus amigos me dizem que pareço muito mais velho
YuGiOh Anthology Series
Para o pessoal que veio do TWITTER pra cá, quando/se ele voltar, vocês vão querer voltar pra lá?
preciso falar sobre uma coisa...
Essa é a minha foto preferida. Queria opiniões sobre ela.
Qual vibe vocês diriam que eu passo só de verem essas fotos minhas? (Podem me zoar se quiserem kkkk)
Do I look good w facial hair?