What are your feelings/predictions on Warfare?
Whats a movie you have a vendetta against
What are your most anticipated releases for 2025?
I know that it's a longshot, but anything good from 2025 so far?
Which terrible childhood movie will you die on a hill for?
I’m not sure if I should feel bad that I made this…
Movies releases in Jan/Feb 2025, do you still add it on 2024 lists?
If Letterboxd had the option of adding your 4 LEAST favorite movies, what would they be? Here's mine:
There's a ton of good Christmas movies, what about new year movies?
Name a sequel that you think is better than the original.
Where do you prefer to sit in a movie theater?
so what's your top 5 this year ?
Can Benedict Cumberbatch play Martin Luther King Jr? Yes or no, and why?
Users of Reddit,What is the worst community out there?
Reddit, what is the equivalent default name of "John/Jane Doe" in your country?
What is your average time to take a shower? Is 20 mins too long?
Movies where your think "you can't make a movie like that" but they did, and it's great?
What game have you spent the most time on?
What would you choose to be your last meal?
Can you help me with a montage of 2024 movies?
What are you watching on the airplane? What should I watch?
Which movies are like this?
What movies have the most perfect endings? (NO SPOILERS)
What’s a movie you went into with impossibly high expectations, and it met them or even exceeded them?
Share your favourite films from the following genres—check the comments for anyone who has an exact 4/4 match with you