[Pc] [Riven] Offers?
Guys what do you think about my Stug build , did I do good ? 💔
i can’t beat the mech bosses what should i do
After you subsume, what frame do *you* load into?
I'm about to spit up something vile
Uhhh..? How did my Sister steal more than I received
Can we PLEASE get a gun that does this?
Why no pylon?
Meanwhile, i'm another person who did really long murmur survival run this week, just to see if it is possible to survive on levelcap without relaying on invincibility/shield gate abuse. And so, behold >20k health Koumei!
So... You're telling me my ONLY option is to remove my shoulder armor?...
Riven choice
I have recently discovered I am a Lavo main. Lavos veterans, pass unto me your knowledge.
Is this good for wall of flesh?
How do i complete this?
Bravo 6 going... uh dark?
It's always the question of how to solve the trolley problem, what if you are the trolley problem????
What Warframe would benefit the most from this buff?
My first prime the wait is killing me
hallow fish and enemies in corruption?
What things do we want most in the next game?
[PC][Riven] how much could this go for?
How do they expect us to complete this?!
TIL that all flying frames are female
What is this (Wrong answers only)