Who's the best spear legend in your opinion?
Red goblin dancing to phantasy star music
Am i a faliure?
im calling for back up (sunbreak)
i have a question
Who's the best axe legend in your opinion?
you give me a hammer and this what i did to poor ol rathalos
for guns weapons i need help with
yeah...this is what they known for...
I feel i like need some coaching
Um...guys?...don't leave me all alone...please...(lol)
Should they fix the Switchcraft Crossover Glitches or just keep it the way it is?
i am starting to fell lost
Again... I over did it last night
help wanted!
Now i have a problem with my choices
my problem with having chicken scrap hand writing with right hand for 12 or 13 years
I over did it
*giant toad uses double slap*
Wanna get this over with
Yeah uhh...encountered a bigger issue
Current update
How to install NSFW Mods via nexus mods