Conflicted on the nature of a Returned Russ
Bjorn paintjob
Kill team hype?
Ulrik kitbash: Shoulder Insignia?
Basing Angron thoughts
My First WE models
Ideas for kitbashing a Judiciar
Best Deep Strike Threat
Combat Patrol
The Future of Thunder Wolves
Played my first game as SW yesterday and have to give a shoutout to Murderfang.
Tips and Tricks for a WE Noob
A wolfy Bladeguard vet
Basing ready for paint
Summer coming to an end, time for indoor hobbies again
How to start World Eaters
Finally cleared some of my pile of Shame!
How do y'all feel about Wolfen right now?
Bjorn fears
Advice / What to do next
Custom great Company or successor chapter?
Blood of Asahiem or Space Wolf?
Iron Priest Vs Wulfen and list help
Ignore the Chaplain with the terminators!
My Take on Bladeguard Vets / Primaris Wolf Guard!