arboretum squirrels
Would a 70-200mm f2.8 meaningfully improve this kind of photography?
The BEST People!
A male and female cardinal on my university's campus.
Are all the AI's behind the blackwall evil? And since the blackwall itself is an AI, is it conscious/capable of thought?
Which one is the least bad extreme?
Squirrelposting 6: "Wait, the semester ends in *how* many weeks?" edition.
Caught a couple sparrows before a lab today. The Cardinals are from a couple days ago, but I couldn't think of where to put them.
“They are cheaper and can even fly”
Would Canon (EOS R10) be a decent starting point for photography?
This fat fuck got his hands on another burrito months after I caught him the first time.
Birds of UoG
What do you think is the most misunderstood aspect of American culture?
Who are your favorite women in American history?
Take this! Flashbang from the void!
I think majority of people calling Witcher 4 woke probably didn't read the books or play the games.
I hope I'm not posting too many pictures, here are some I took at the Chippewa Travellers' performance at the UC this week.
Looks like this guy's got a taste for burritos.
The audacity: A ‘model’ offered me the privilege of working for free—then got offended when I declined.
hi! does anyone know what canon this could be? im not into cameras but this looks like a really cute digital
This Thursday I had the pleasure of shooting the Women's hockey game against the Yorkies.
Professor Appreciation Post
The campus finches seem to be enjoying the weather. I'm glad I snapped this, they flew off when I stepped closer.
My lens isn’t working and I have no idea why or what to do