Farming Platinum for new players.
What are some good weapons for Mag?
Does anyone else have an Ayatan Horror or is it just me
Do the weeklies reset on the 19th?
How do you forma right?
Worse than waiting for the voidrig to build -_-
Why does stalker not have a nataruk
Hildryn Systems Blueprints are a myth propagated by DE to keep people running thermia fractures.
A Way To Bring Back Friends in Expert Mode
New player 😁
New to rivens, is this worth keeping or reroll?
Hey guys I sold my vital sense by accident
Who is ready and excited for the next update ?! What excites you the most!!
Confused about the cyst
Is strength progression dictated solely by Mods?
After a month and a week playing this game and currently 346h in steam time, these are my frame rating so far (rating frames I have)
Garuda, Baruuk, or Hildryn?
Glaxion Riven Help
Is it possible to incarnon aklex p?
I'll never touch Railjack again, thank you.
New War preparations?
Dante's True height? Me and my brother were having a heated discussion on this and I want you to decide
Is the a decent roll or did I get a groll