Questionable questions from kids
Peter, I don’t get it 😭 What’s wrong with the names?
SMH why didn’t they just not??
"Why Do You Hate Children!!!?!"
If you got super powers what would you want to have?
show me your pets
Do parents use their kids as excuses to avoid commitments they made?
People are wayyyy to sure of themselves
People say my blanket is “too bright for a baby” and black is “inappropriate.” I am not happy with it either-is it good enough to donate? It’s for a charity that gives blankets to babies in the NICU.
DAE pre wash their brand new clothes before washing them?
Smile though you are triggered - Helped 20% of people
ELI5: Why does gum get hard in your mouth if you take a drink of water?
"Okay, but what about this minority group??" as a response to any statement/advice
What "types" of people do you secretly judge or dislike?
Thanks, I hate no-show toe socks.
Pregnant 16-Year-Old Found Buried in Backyard with Baby Cut from Womb After Woman Lured Her with Promise of Free Clothes
25 year old man killed for refusing to play holi
True boomer humor
My first thought: how exactly do you give vagina a manicure?
What’s something annoying yet largely trivial about being a woman?
Tonsil stones!!
When people act like your argument is automatically invalid because you used bad grammar/punctuation.
What would happen if a woman cut her vagina to her anus to create one big hole?
What is this?