Double feed with Lancer mags with factory specwar?
This sub right now
r/Conservative open debate - Gates open, come on in
Gold Card Win/Win?
Corporate Welfare is The Biggest Theft Scheme You’re Supposed to Ignore
Fast Helmet for my GSD
Best price for ta02 acog(5.56, red crosshair)?
Literal Terrorism
$17 million is a drop in the bucket compared to what they leach off of the taxpayers the rest of the days.
Thinking that a Crocodile is your friend
Americans Shocked by '60 Minutes' Report on German Speech Policing
This can't be normal, can it?
Meet Obi - Our One-Eyed Jedi
DOGE Terminates Fauci Contract Worth $168K
What is a man's thought process when he sends unsolicited pics to an uninterested woman?
The Progressive Left
What is the Libertarian view on adult content creators (OF for example)
skyrim's most intense battle of all time
Seriously screw Republicans for acting like they believe in small government and a free market
Bloop - 40mm GL-06
What Americans mean when they talk about freedom?
Wife and I got invited to a sex party this weekend, and was told everyone is bringing gifts. What do we bring?
Dispersed target shooting
My SHTF setup