Straight friend asking for sex advice
Why are gay women called lesbians
Attracting "straight" women.
AIO for being uncomfortable seeing my FIL coming out of shower half naked
AIO - Asking a guy im no longer dating to delete sexual photos
Including mutually intelligible languages
Surprised at Reaction (Learning Polish)
i hate men
Can a guy and a girl be friends if both understand that a relationship between them is impossible?
Would you move out of the UK for work?
Why aren’t women drafted to most militaries?
Genuine Question - Is being Lesbian Lonely?
and somehow people still think i’m straight
Have any women tried creatine? I want to get some muscle definition, yet remain thin. I've been strength training for years.
May I be lesbian?
Does anyone else get off this way?
Unable to climax during sex
Too Gay for the Straights, Not Gay Enough for Others
So uhm… at what age were y’all coming out?
Is biphobia common in lesbian community?
Is saying men are disgusting rude?
Am I wrong for hesitating to accept my wife’s bisexuality?
Lesbian History
Is learning German as hard as people say it is?
Would you date a stripper?