Are you stronger on t??If so give me your"oh I am a little stronger then I thought" moment
locking in until I get T
Should I take a pregnancy test?
November 2022- November 2024
kind of toxic take on trans tape
why are you dating anyone who doesn't respect you
looking for people to sign with!
how to know when I'm ready to start T
if I get top surgery before t will it shrink my chest even more?
questions about pre modded 3ds xl, plz help :,<
can I transtape without stretching skin between boobs too much
Abandoned Mental Hospital
should I take T or get top surgery first
any other ways to increase my testosterone levels without taking T
abandoned strip mall
what to do in Connecticut
what to do in new york
abandoned theaters and abandoned churches
what to do when encountering homless/tweakers
abandoned highschool
Central/South NJ spots trade
i fell asleep listening to emergency intercom and i though drew was my subconscious
besties..... hi
what is your favorite quote from amphibia