Quali sono i migliori quotidiani cartacei italiani?
plugin for help me pop up in vim 8?
I had some time this weekend and I updated a plugin that I wrote (vim-poptools)
Combattereste per l'Italia nel caso specifico in cui venisse ingiustamente invasa?? [post spin-off]
Is vimwiki abandonded?
L'Europa si prepara alla difesa di Kiev senza gli Usa: 250 miliardi e 300mila soldati in più
Have a NVIM config but can only use vim at work
Galani 😅
Visual block mode and insert mode
What is your color scheme?
What does your debugging setup look like?
Guidance and info for visitors
What is the best actual video player for MacOS?
[Vim Plugin] Introducing Visidian - An Obsidian-like Personal Knowledge Management System for Vim
Salary expectation Austria vs Sweden
Why I haven't switched to Neovim yet
vimrc using vim9script: Unknown function
European alternatives for popular services from USA
Basta con smart working e welfare, il Comune di Castiglione Fiorentino mette al bando l'inglese. Ritornano le parole "falso", "lavoro da casa" e "incontro"
My Filipino gf is coming to visiting me in EU. Few questions.
Robot does not go straight. motor speeds are equal.
Motions for the end of sentences and paragraphs?
is RealPython worth it?
Any reason to NOT use Pyright?
StackOverflow has lost 77% of new questions compared to 2022. Lowest # since May 2009.