I’m sorry but I can’t be the one who thought Paul was wearing a hat with the Pig mask
Should I watch Hellsing 2001?
Which of these characters would you LEAST want to end up owing a favor to?
Juujika haters when you tell them to give arguments of why juujika is bad
whats the best antidote to nihilism?^^
Who you recommend Elfen Leid?
Aight how the fuck do you beat GUI without haste (FFX)
Hard match but who dou you think is winning?
Hey folks, you guys remember Odex?
I have no clue how this guy is and I really don't care.. im just confused, are these vids made for men or women?
So Digimon….
does anyone know anymore good mecha anime's
Oooh, an aot hate-rant fueled by bad reading comprehension, I wonder what fandom they're fro-
I’ve been thinking about the cast of the ADV dub of the show alo and who would be in the later cast if they had finished it so here’s my dream cast for both Lordgenome and The Anti-Spiral
If you can meet one sentai cast and one pr cast who would it be. I'll go first
When someone says they prefer the Netflix dub.
give me ANY word and i’ll relate it to Kanye
What other anime character is like this?
Which season(s) did you completely forget about?
Uh oh! *Baddump! *Baddump!*
Chapter 202 English
A little tangent but I feel like Lost Galaxy should’ve took place in the future
Chapter 202 Raw
Unpopular Opinion: Both Seed's NYAV and Ocean dub are good and I actually do prefer some voices the former though some stuff I prefer in the old dub.