Everyone says you lose the weight after you wean or decrease in bf. Is that true and how much can once expect to lose? Ju
When did you feel like you could be away from your breastfed child a few hours during the day?
Any other parents of low sleep needs toddlers?
We cannot handle it anymore baby doesn’t want to sleep
15 month old not talking at all- only babbles?
My 15 month old just slept through the night for the first time ever!!!!!!
A week shy of 11 months
Holistic sleep coach?
If you didn't put food in front of your toddler, how many would forget to eat entirely?
A very special lunch for my ONE YEAR OLD
For those whose babies NEED breastfeeding / bottles to fall asleep, how did you get them to sleep without it??
Okay… how are you getting your babies to eat vegetables?!
Pros and cons of extended breastfeeding
Nursing at night, excessive weight gain
No weight gain 12-15mo
So they wake up more often when cosleeping?
Feeling defeated—please help me!
Daycare asking me to stop breastfeeding and only pump
How long have you been breastfeeding? Post and let us celebrate you. (Even 1 day counts!)
Feeding to sleep
Reassure me please (percentiles & weight)
Baby not feeling full from breast milk
6 month old ebf still 8 times a day
14 week wants to feed every 2 hours
Breakfast before & after